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Christoph Quitmann has been the director of MAX IV since 2012. His resignation was submitted when the Swedish Research Council reported serious deficiencies in project management in the beamline projects. – Christoph Quitmann has been a great ambassador for MAX IV during his years as director. Christoph Quitmann, Christian David, Frithjof Nolting et al.-11th International Conference on X-ray Microscopy (XRM2012) Hongjie Xu, Ziyu Wu and Renzhong Tai-Current status and prospects of X-ray microscopy V D Gelever, E Yu Usachev and A A Manushkin-This content was downloaded from IP address on 24/03/2019 at 22:07 Greetings from the Director of MAX IV Laboratory, Christoph Quitmann. Read more about MAX IV Laboratory here: Christoph Quitmann Chair, Scientific Program Charlotte Heer Secretary Christian David Scientific Program Frithjof Nolting Scientific Program Franz Pfeiffer Scientific Program Marco Stampanoni Scientific Program Robert Rudolph Sponsoring, Financials Alfred Waser Industry Exhibition Robert Keller Public Relation Markus Knecht Computing and WWW Helena Pruchova,a Juraj Krempasky,a Christoph Quitmann,a Harald Bruneb and Frithjof Noltinga aSwiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institut, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland, and bInstitute of Condensed Matter Physics (ICMP), E´cole Polytechnique Fe´de´rale de Lausanne (EPFL), CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland. E-mail: ORGANISING COMMITTEE:, Herwig Schopper (Chairman, former DG of CERN), Fernando Ferroni (President of INFN), Christoph Quitmann (Director of MAXIV, Sweden), Nicholas Sammut (Deputy Dean, University of Malta)), Hans J. Specht (Heidelberg Univ., former DG of GSI), Ruediger Voss (President of EPS), Local Organisers: Nadia Binggeli, Saša Ivanovic (MNA)

Christoph quitmann

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Christoph Quitmann, Director of MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University. Christoph Quitmann, the director of the MAX IV project in Lund, will present the new X-ray light source in Lund, which will become operational in 2015. Due to an innovative synchrotron design, it will become the lowest emittance X-ray source in the world. ORGANISING COMMITTEE:, Herwig Schopper (Chairman, former DG of CERN), Fernando Ferroni (President of INFN), Christoph Quitmann (Director of MAXIV, Sweden), Nicholas Sammut (Deputy Dean, University of Malta)), Hans J. Specht (Heidelberg Univ., former DG of GSI), Ruediger Voss (President of EPS), Local Organisers: Nadia Binggeli, Saša Ivanovic (MNA) Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Christoph Quitmann. Director of MAX IV Laboratory. Educated as a physicist in Germany and the US. Throughout his career, he has tried to look ever deeper into matter, attempting to understand the secrets of nature. In 2012, he moved to Lund University to become director of MAX IV. Photo: Johan Bävman November 22, 2016 – Christoph Quitmann - Director - MAX IV Laboratory The future is waiting to be shaped The opportunities arising around Science Village Scandinavia are huge.

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Christoph Quitmann. ANNONS. Sverige.

Christoph Quitmann, Skyttelinjen 219, Lund

Christoph quitmann

Head of Division: Project LightHouse at RI Research Instruments GmbH. Bergisch Gladbach. Ingemar F Petersson Ingemar F Petersson-  And the director of this awesome synchrotron radiation facility, Dr. Christoph Quitmann, had the most amazing talent for explaining the way things work there so  MAX IV laboratoriet har fått en ny direktör. Schweizaren dr Christoph Quitmann, som närmast kommer från tjänsten som verksamhetsansvarig  MAX IV i Lund till rektorn vid Lunds universitet, Torbjörn von Schantz och till direktören vid MAX IV-laboratoriet, Christoph Quitmann.

November 22, 2016 – Christoph Quitmann - Director - MAX IV Laboratory. The future is waiting to be shaped . The opportunities arising around Science Village Scandinavia are huge. This is where world-leading research institutes are being built in bicycle distance of one of the finest universities and world renown companies.
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Christoph quitmann

Antal projekt: 4. Relaterade projekt. Projekt-id, Titel, Finansiär, Start, Slut, Budget. 2015-06115 · Ultrasnabb kontroll av polarisation och  Född 4 maj, 1963 - Christoph Quitmann är gift Se Christophs uppgifter om inkomst, telefonnummer, fordon, hundar, födelsedag, jubileum och  I veckan avgick Christoph Quitmann från sin post som direktör för forskningsanläggningen MAX IV i Lund, efter att en oberoende granskning av  Forskningsanläggningen Max IV i Lund med anläggningens direktör Christoph Quitmann och forskningsminister Helene Hellmark Knutsson. Photo: News  Christoph Quitmann beskriver MAX IV-laboratoriet som forskningens svar på den schweiziska armékniven. Vid laboratoriet kommer forskare att  Forskning 7 september, 2018 Direktören för den försenade forskningsanläggningen MAX IV avgick I veckan avgick Christoph Quitmann från sin post som  Dirigenterna Santtu-Matias Rouvali, Christoph Eschenbach och Barbara Hannigan. Christoph Quitmann speaks about Max IV. Christoph Quitmann berättar om  Christoph Quitmann, direktøren for MAX IV, siger: “MicroMAX er uundværlig for MAX IV. Det er frugten af et langt og succesfuldt samarbejde mellem kolleger fra  På måndagen avgick Christoph Quitmann, direktör för Max IV, forskningsanläggningen vid Lunds universitet.

February 2019. Christoph Quitmann, vd för MAX IV, berättar om Max IV som kommer att bli en världsledande synkrotronljusanläggning. Anläggningen byggs just nu av 200 byggarbetare och invigs 21 juni 2016, kl 12 – årets ljusaste tidpunkt. Professor Christoph Quitmann, har beviljats anslag om 15 000 000 kronor för flyttning av befintliga strålrör, finansierade av Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse, till den nya MAX IV anläggningen. Chalmers tekniska högskola – Det känns fantastiskt. En milstolpe, sa professor Mikael Eriksson från åskådarplats, när MAX IV:s nya lokaler invigdes på Brunnshög i början av juni. Den här dagen var byggherrarnas.

Christoph Quitmann. ANNONS. Sverige. 2018-09-04. av TT · Quitmann slutar som chef för försenat lab. Direktören för forskningslaboratoriet Max IV i Lund avgår  Christoph Quitmann, direktör för MAX IV-laboratoriet i Lund, har valts in som ny ledamot i Kungl. Vetenskapsakademiens klass för tekniska  Christoph Quitmann har lämnat posten som direktör för Max IV-laboratoriet i Lund efter Vetenskapsrådets granskning.

Beliebt bei Christoph Quitmann The City of Hamburg proves once again that it is a great advocate for brilliant science, as it funds DESY's technical design report (TDR) for the… Beliebt bei Christoph Quitmann is no complete stranger to RI. As a scientist and research manager at PSI in Switzerland, MAX IV in Sweden, and SLAC in the US, he repeatedly worked with RI technology over the years. Eriksson, Mikael LU; van der Veen, J Friso and Quitmann, Christoph LU In Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 21 (Pt 5).
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Ernst Christoph Quitmann, 57 år, Skyttelinjen, LUND

Educated as a physicist in Germany and the US. Throughout his career, he has tried to look  Christoph Ernst Quitmann.

Christoph Quitmann, Director of MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University. Christoph Quitmann, the director of the MAX IV project in Lund, will present the new X-ray light source in Lund, which will become operational in 2015.